Type 2 Diabetes and Modern Medicine
Type 2 diabetes is a chronic & progressive metabolic disorder in which the level of blood sugar goes high which leads to serious complication.
Initially it was understood that type 2 diabetes develops either due to lack of insulin or less insulin which is produced by beta cells of lanegerhans of pancrease and was managed accordingly.
Main things to understand that what is the management in modern medicine? They give you pills (medicine) that is the chemical substances which really control the blood sugar level by disturbing the normal functioning of the body. medicine goes inside & stimulate the body’s organ either to work fast or slow depending on the function of organ by disturbing the complete homeostasis of body.T2D is itself a disease of disturb homeostasis but here medicine again maintaining the blood sugar only by disturbing the homeostasis life-long, which gives more & more complication.
Why modern medicine is not efficient?

To understand that here are some examples, some medicine stimulates the pancreas to release the insulin only. They are not helping to manufacturing it. Thus, resulting in diminishing the remaining ability of pancreas or destroying completely leading to type 1 diabetes after many years of such a treatment. Some medicine maintains blood sugar by stopping or diminishing the gluconeogenesis in liver or some medicine stimulates kidney to excrete extra glucose from the body and thus they are maintaining the blood sugar by disturbing the homeostasis of body completely.
So can you believe this kind of treatment or management really giving you the health…
Absolutely not
But for your kind information, it’s not a really their mistake as they are working on that basis only because they were taught on the basis of old evidence, experiment, hypothesis and all these. But this is the era of revolution, and every change or revolution takes long time to come in mainstream.
So, like that an American scientist & endocrinologist Dr Gerald M. “Jerry” told in 1988 that type 2 diabetes is not caused by less insulin, is caused by insulin resistance due to hyperinsulinemia and he explained that how it develops. But it taken more than 20 years to understand & implementation by other scientist & doctors.
So, after this revolution some of them understood bio physiology of insulin resistance and started working on reversal of insulin resistance without help of medicine and hence type 2 diabetes could be reversed.
So come with me to understand it in very deep to reverse the diabetes of entire community.

Madhumexy – Your Personal Nutrition Coach
“Our body is the most expensive car of our life”
As a nutrition coach, we educate the general public on how to drive this car for the rest of our life, because our body is designed by nature or God to stay healthy and fit for 100+ years but due to our present diet or lifestyle, we are either getting more and more sick or dying before age.
Here we are not just providing you the only diet plan, we are educating people about the complete system of the body, how they work, how disease develops and the role of food in health and diseases, and by learning this technique people are becoming more and more aware about their health and making life disease free forever.
Medicine is not always found in Bottles, Tablets or Vaccines

Diet Dr. R. P. Yadav
(Your Personal Nutrition Coach)
Reclaim your life with better health and mindfulness with Madhumexy
Madhumexy is a metabolic clinic. We treat metabolic disorders with an appropriate diet plan. Metabolic disorders can cause a cluster of conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. These conditions include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels. So, reclaim your life with better health and mindfulness with Madhumexy.
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What is Metabolism and how it works?
Metabolism is the process your body uses to get or make energy from the food you eat. Food is made up of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Chemicals in your digestive system break the food parts down into sugars and acids, your body’s fuel. Your body can use this fuel right away, or it can store the energy in your body tissues, such as your liver, muscles, and body fat.
You can develop a metabolic disorder when some organs, such as your liver or pancreas, become diseased or do not function normally. Diabetes is an example.
Metabolic disorder?
A metabolic disorder occurs when the metabolism process fails and causes the body to have either too much or too little of the essential substances needed to stay healthy. Our bodies are very sensitive to errors in metabolism. The body must have amino acids and many types of proteins to perform all of its functions. For example, the brain needs calcium, potassium, and sodium to generate electrical impulses, and lipids (fats and oils) to maintain a healthy nervous system. Metabolic disorders can take many forms. This includes:
- A missing enzyme or vitamin that’s necessary for an important chemical reaction.
- Abnormal chemical reaction that hinders metabolic processes.
- A disease in the liver, pancreas, endocrine glands, or other organs involved in metabolism.
- Nutritional deficiencies.
What causes metabolic disorders?
You can develop a metabolic disorder if certain organs for instance, the pancreas or the liver stop functioning properly. These kinds of disorders can be a result of genetics, a deficiency in a certain hormone or enzyme, consuming too much of certain foods, or a number of other factors. There are hundreds of genetic metabolic disorders caused by mutations of single genes. These mutations can be passed down through generations of families.
Metabolic Disease:
Any of the diseases or disorders that disrupt normal metabolism, the process of converting food to energy on a cellular level are Metabolic Disease. Thousands of enzymes participating in numerous interdependent metabolic pathways carry out this process. Metabolic diseases affect the ability of the cell to perform critical biochemical reactions that involve the processing or transport of proteins (amino acids), carbohydrates (sugars and starches), or lipids (fatty acids). Metabolic disorder may cause several diseases…
If you don't make lifestyle changes to control your excess weight, you may develop insulin resistance, which can cause your blood sugar levels to rise. Eventually, insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes.
Increased blood pressure is considered an important component of metabolic syndrome. More than 85% of those with metabolic syndrome, even in the absence of diabetes, have elevated blood pressure (BP) or hypertension.
The cause of polycystic ovary syndrome isn't well understood, but metabolic syndrome is one of the many conditions that may cause it to develop. Hence it can be prevented with proper diet and exercise.
High cholesterol and high blood pressure can contribute to the buildup of plaques in your arteries. These plaques can narrow and harden your arteries, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
Managing your weight is a big part of your health. When you are overweight or obese, you’re at risk for medical conditions like heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure (hypertension) and diabetes.
Dementia due to metabolic disorder is a loss of brain function that can occur with abnormal chemical processes in the body. With some of these disorders, if treated early, brain dysfunction can be reversible.